Sunday, July 31, 2011

Word of the Day~ Imprint

No matter what we are doing, there is usually someone watching you. No, I am not saying this to make you paranoid.  What I suggesting is to look at self and see what you are doing and how you are doing it.  What imprint are you leaving on the world?
Bad hair days, late out of bed, in a hurry....or, smile on your face, roll with the punches, showing and teaching calm reactions...Your children ARE watching.  Your neighbors ARE listening.
Take a deeeep breath and have a calm reaction.

Show only love, be only love.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Beginnings

Every day is a new and fresh start.  EVERYDAY IS A NEW AND FRESH START!!!
No matter what has gone wrong or right, you can begin again!

Humans are the only animal that continues to punish ourselves and others over and over and over again for mistakes. 
I love to watch my dogs play with each other.  They would be getting along just fine and then one starts fighting with the other.  Later on they start playing again because they have completely forgiven each other for the fight earlier.  They don't continue to hold grudges. 
The practice of forgiveness can be the opening door that is needed to invite a new beginning.

Loren Fischer says:
"The difference between holding on to a hurt or releasing it with forgiveness is like the difference between lying down at night on a pillow of thorns or filled with rose pedals."

Jonathan Lakewood Huie says:
"Another sunrise, another new beginning."


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Word of the day~ Faith

~When the situation seems the darkest and you don't seem to have a way out, remember to have faith in the fact that everything WILL BE OKAY.
~Realize that you are not in control.  Let go, give it up to your creator.  Have faith.
~Trust yourself to know what to do.  Get quiet and listen to the voice within.  Learn to trust your heart.
~Sometimes you just have to take leap of faith when you are unsure of the outcome.
Keep calm, take a deep breath, and go....

Paul McCartney says:
"When the night is cloudy, there is a still a light that shines on me. Shine until tomorrow, let it be."

Les Brown says:
"I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all the inconveniences, ignore the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it has flames."

Monday, July 25, 2011

Word of the day~ ASK

I was blessed because I asked to be blessed.
Ask for what you want and you will receive it.  There is a catch must ask with an open heart.  Because the more you strive for complete and unconditional love, the more the invisible angels will help you. And there are legions of angels anxiously waiting to do your bidding.  All we have to do is SIMPLY ASK. 

At one point in my life, I didn't feel like I deserved goodness and love in my life.  I have no idea what I could have ever done to not deserve love but I was sure I wasn't good enough for it.  I realize now that I am good enough, I truly do deserve love.  I opened my heart to the possibilities. 

Time for some anxious angels to get to work!

Oh yeah, and when you are done asking, don't forget to THANK!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Reflection of the Heart

Everyday we can see what our heart reflection is judging by what we get back from life. 
If the experience we are living is hard and a struggle, look at the reflection in the mirror.  If the image looking back at you is cloudy, wipe it off and take a deeper look.  Are you creating the chaotic, scary, or difficult times with what you are projecting?  Or are you bringing joy, love, and abundance into your life?

Everything that we say and do reflects back to us.  Give beauty, get beauty.  Give  with an open heart, get back from an open heart.  Practice non judgement, get back non judgement.  Life is what you make it, not what someone else does to us.  What are we doing that brought the hard times onto us?  Do you make it hard or do you go with the flow?

Alan Cohen says:
"Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that has happened inside of us."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here's the Key

Now it's time to use it.  Because you have always had the key to unlock everything you have ever wanted.  It's up to you which door you want to open.  
Sometimes there are many keys to choose from.  Many people want the shiniest or newest key there is.  Maybe the key that fits isn't be the one you thought it would be.  Don't forget to be open the possibly that you are not in control of which key it is that opens the door.  Maybe the key you have doesn't open the door you think you should have, but a better one that has exactly what you need behind it.

Winston Churchill says:
"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."

Pablo Picasso says:
"Action is the foundational key to all success."

Lao Tzu says:
"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness."

Bruce Lee:
"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Word of the Day~ Patience

~Patience is the art of waiting even while the going is hard and slow....when we least expect it, that is when we get the answers to what we are looking for.
~Patience and timing go hand in hand.
~Wisdom is waiting quietly and patiently for the best outcome to be shown to you.
~If you are patient enough and kind of heart, that is when people surprise you the most.
~Hope and patience will get you through any situation unscarred.
~There is a secret to patience and that is doing something else for a while.
~Start with patience of self first, master it, own it...then transfer that knowledge to your neighbor.

Benjamin Franklin says:
"He who can have patience can have what he will."

Ralph Marston says:
"The keys to patience are acceptance and faith.  Accept things as they are and look realistically at the world around you.  Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen."

Buddist Proverb says:
"If we are facing the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking."

Dutch Proverb says:
"A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Living a Calm Flowing Life

~Step out of the hurricane of chaos and into the eye of calm.
~Rise above the emotions of others.  Emotions just confuse the situation.  Simply imbue love to calm emotions.  
~Living in a way that is in the flow with what you are here on Earth to do will create a calmness in your life.  Everything will start to fall into alignment.  Sincronicities will start to occur.  Doors will open that were once closed.
~When you are out of line with what you are suppose to be doing, life is hard and a struggle.
~When life is a hard to deal with, let go and give it to your creator to handle.  Free your mind of what troubles you.  You are not in control of the outcome.  So why waste your time and energy?  Use your energy on doing what you love.  What better way to glorify your creator other than being a creator of your life!

Marcus Tillius says:
"The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil."

Seneca says:
"Nothing is so bitter that a calm mind cannot find comfort in it."

Plato says:
"He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden." 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Word of the Day~ Confidence


Confidence happens when fear is nowhere to be found.  Build strength of self by facing our fears.
It is also when you have the strength to know when to hold on and when to let go. 
Confidence comes from not always being right and not fearing being wrong.  It also comes from being open to the answers.  Knowing what to say and when to say it, while not listening to naysayers. 

Open up to the possibilities by being confident in what you set out to do in everyday, every situation.

Eleanor Roosevelt says:
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself,  'I lived through this horror.  I can take the next thing that comes along."

Richard Kline says:
"Confidence is preperation, everything else is beyond your control."

Mark Twain says:
"All you need is ingorance and confidence, and then success is sure."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Living with an Open Heart

Creator puts people in our path so that we may learn and grow.  We learn about ourselves and how to handle situations better each time and we grow by remembering the lesson. 

When we close our hearts to new people we may be missing out on a possible beautiful life experience.  Letting go of the personal fears we harbor may lead to an amazing friendship with someone that you never thought possible.  Choosing not to judge others may help you realize how talented or intelligent they are. 
When you look at others with preconceived notions and prejudgements you are harming yourself more than you know.  You could be missing out on a fantastic relationship or really important information. 

When you pray, you never know who (or what) will answer your prayers.  Think about that for a moment....... 
All those people you looked down upon because they weren't wearing the correct clothes or didn't drive the nicest car, or because you thought you were better then them.....They could have been delivering an important message that you were waiting for but you weren't open hearted enough to receive the it. 

Confucius says:
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."

Evander Holyfield says:
"It is not the size of the man but the size of his heart that matters."

Deepak Chopra says:
"The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers."

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just for today, I will be Grateful

This is another reiki principle.
~Being grateful brings joy to the spirit!
~Be grateful from your heart.
~Focus on inner intention.
~Be thankful and grateful for the small things as well as the big things.  Yes be excited for the new job or large check in the mail, but remember to be happy and excited for the air we breath, the bees, the trees, your neighbor, sunshine........HAPPY and GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE~ What are the chances that you are even here right now in the place and this time......
~Simple things as thanks, forgiveness, smile, good words, gratitude can improve others life and make them happy.
~When you focus what you are grateful for, more positive things will come to you.
~Do not allow the negative to invade your gratefulness.  There are so many things that can be viewed as bad-just a small pivot in perception can change that. You may have lost your job but now you have more time to spend with the family.  One door closes, another opens.  Maybe you just broke up with your partner but you may meet the person of your dreams tomorrow. 

~EXPRESS your gratefulness!!! Tell everyone you know WHY you are happy and thankful!  SHOUT IT TO THE HEAVENS AND YOU WILL BE HEARD! 

Anthony Robbins says:
"When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears."

Sarah Ban Breathnach says:
"Whatever we are waiting for-peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance- it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with and open and grateful heart."