Namaste is a greeting of high honor, a way to acknowledge your elders or offer respect. It is a Sanskrit word that translates to
"I honor the place within you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place within you where lies your love, your truth, your peace, and your beauty. If you are in this place within yourself and I am this place, we are one."

In western society, people have been prepped and trained to believe that we are not one with each other. That we are individuals and what we do as individuals does not effect anyone but ourselves....This thought has lead to conflict, hatred, prejudice, separation, and fear. We are in fact all inter-connected. Some thing that I think, say, or do can in fact effect someone a 100 miles away as much as the person standing right next to me. When I have an adverse thought or feeling, others pick up on it. When I feel good, the same occurs. This is because we are all on the same plane of existence, the same vibration.
When you look at a stranger, you are looking at your brother. You are looking at yourself. How would you like to be treated? Do you want to be respected, loved, smiled at, fed, clothed......There is no separation between you and the homeless man on the corner, there is no difference between you and the cashier. Be generous and kind to "strangers" as if they were you mother, brother, or sister.
We are all here for a reason. Honor and respect that although they are not doing what you would do, or being how you would be, but maybe you were once in a similar situation. Scared, confused, bewildered, ignorant....Focus on the divine spark within all you meet. Do not look at what they present to you at a first glance. The state of what they are now is a reflection of their past history. The past is over and is an illusion. Look towards their inner light. See them as whole and complete. Do not judge, simply love. When you look at others in love, you are helping them ascend into who they are truly meant to be. When you look at others in love and light, you are also helping yourself become enlightened and complete. When you look at others as complete, you are helping heal and change the world.
Chief Seattle says:
"All things share the same breath- the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares the spirit of all the life it supports."
Black Elk says:
"The first peace, which is the most important,is that which comes in the soul of people when they realize their relationships, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that all the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
Larry Dossey says:
"When we our focus is toward a principle of relatedness and oneness, and away from fragmentation and isolated, health ensues."
"I honor the place within you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place within you where lies your love, your truth, your peace, and your beauty. If you are in this place within yourself and I am this place, we are one."
In western society, people have been prepped and trained to believe that we are not one with each other. That we are individuals and what we do as individuals does not effect anyone but ourselves....This thought has lead to conflict, hatred, prejudice, separation, and fear. We are in fact all inter-connected. Some thing that I think, say, or do can in fact effect someone a 100 miles away as much as the person standing right next to me. When I have an adverse thought or feeling, others pick up on it. When I feel good, the same occurs. This is because we are all on the same plane of existence, the same vibration.
When you look at a stranger, you are looking at your brother. You are looking at yourself. How would you like to be treated? Do you want to be respected, loved, smiled at, fed, clothed......There is no separation between you and the homeless man on the corner, there is no difference between you and the cashier. Be generous and kind to "strangers" as if they were you mother, brother, or sister.
We are all here for a reason. Honor and respect that although they are not doing what you would do, or being how you would be, but maybe you were once in a similar situation. Scared, confused, bewildered, ignorant....Focus on the divine spark within all you meet. Do not look at what they present to you at a first glance. The state of what they are now is a reflection of their past history. The past is over and is an illusion. Look towards their inner light. See them as whole and complete. Do not judge, simply love. When you look at others in love, you are helping them ascend into who they are truly meant to be. When you look at others in love and light, you are also helping yourself become enlightened and complete. When you look at others as complete, you are helping heal and change the world.
Chief Seattle says:
"All things share the same breath- the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares the spirit of all the life it supports."
Black Elk says:
"The first peace, which is the most important,is that which comes in the soul of people when they realize their relationships, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that all the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
Larry Dossey says:
"When we our focus is toward a principle of relatedness and oneness, and away from fragmentation and isolated, health ensues."
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