Friday, April 29, 2011

Generosity is the Key to EVERYTHING You Want

Rumi says:
"Before death takes what has been given to you, you must give away everything you can."
Basically, means that generosity is the key to everything you want. 

At what degree do I give?  As much as I can as long as long as there is pure love behind it.  Some can only give love, others can give millions of dollars.  In essence these are both examples of energy.  Give your positive love energy to the situation.

Who do I give to?  Anyone in need.  Just do what you can do without feeling strained.  If it is a "sacrifice" to give, then don't give anything at all.
Mother Theresa says:
"If you cannot feed a hundred people, then just feed one."

Why do I give?
If you are giving from an open heart great things will come to you.  If you are giving from a greedy heart by only giving to receive great things, you are not giving for the right purpose.  Give from an open heart.  Don't expect anything in return.  That is the fastest most sure way to your abundance.

What do I give?
Time, love, energy, smiles, helping hands, courage, kindness, understanding, random acts of kindness, gratitude......

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Word of the~ Community

I encourage all to think about what community means to each of you.  How connected are you to your community?  What can you do to strengthen your community?

To me it means:
~sharing information and knowledge with one another
~imprinting ideas and thoughts on each other
~common respect for one another
~sharing tasks such as child care, cooking, food storage
~trading goods and services
~going to others for advice and help with problems
~giving and receiving
~sharing of food and clothing
~passing along items to those that are in need

Monday, April 25, 2011

Word of the Day~ Expectations

I release all expectations that are unhealthy for myself and others to speed up my healing. 
When I release my unhealthy expectations, my life will flow in harmony with what Great Creator wants for me. 
When I release unhealthy expectations, I have more energy.  This is because I am not holding onto old thoughts and feelings that are not needed for my success. 
When I release unhealthy expectations of others and myself, I live a more enjoyable life.

Confusious says:
"The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools."

Dali Lama says:
"I am open to the guidance of synchronicity and do not let expectations hinder my path."

Shakespeare says:
"Oft expectation fails, and most oft where most it promises; and oft it hits where hope is coldest; and despair most sits."

Friday, April 22, 2011

Poem to myself

From this day forward, I promise... live for my heart's desire be free from fear allow changes to happen live for ME love for ME laugh for ME
                          then wait and see
       how beautiful it could be!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Save your energy

All energy has memory.  Light is energy.  Hence, light has memory.  All information is stored in light.
It takes a lot of energy to hold onto dis-ease.  Let go and don't waste your energy, or light.  Then get out of the way and let the light take over. 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.  How it is transformed is up to us.  The outflow of energy must equal the inflow of energy.  This means that if  you want to GET things, you've got to GIVE things.  This is true in every sense of the imagination.  You want to loose weight, you must exercise or eat healthy.  You want to make more money, you must put some effort into it by working or being active in your pursuits. 
Here's the catch...if a person is holding on to past issues (fear), there is no more room for the inflow of energy.  More the reason to let go of the past hurts and situations.  Ever heard about how one door closes, another opens?  Close the door on anger and resentment, open the door (and get out of the way) for goodness to come your way!

Word of the Day~ Happiness

I find my happiness within.
NO-ONE can take or give away my happiness. 
My happiness is NOT contingent upon others!
The universe wants me to be happy.
Happiness is contagious!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Word of the Day~ Forgiveness

Healing = Truth+Forgiveness+Self Love

I must be the first to forgive.
I forgive myself for putting myself in a situation where I was scared, angry, upset, confused, or any other dis-ease.  I forgive others fully and completely whom upset, angered, lied, distrusted, name called, physically or mentally attacked, or intentionally hurt me in any way. 

When we hold on the disease that we have felt from others, we are only hurting ourselves.  Let it go, give it to the higher source to resolve at it's loving convenience. Think of how free and full of energy you will feel when you are not using up all your energy holding on to the past!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Word of the Day~ Believe

I believe....
..therefore I will!
..I know all the answers to my questions, I just need to look within.
..I am strong, beautiful, intelligent, talented, funny, you name it, I AM!

Belief is what we are. 
Everything that I believe is what I am.
Beliefs are NOT set in stone.  They ARE subject to change (at any moment)!
Whoever controls the belief, controls the dream of this life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Word of the Day~CHANGE

~Change the inner to change the outer. When I start to see the outer changes, it means the inner work is working!
~The change starts with me.  I can't ever expect anyone to change except for me.  If I don't care for something someone is doing-I need to look at myself to see what upsets me about that action.
~Changing your mind can help change the planet.
~Through love, changes happen!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Word of the Day~R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Thoughts on respect
~be true to myself NO MATTER WHAT
~take care of my body
~disallow others to disrespect me
~listen to others without interruption
~understand life is a lesson and we are all here to learn

Monday, April 11, 2011

Self Realization Affirmation

I must remember my dreamsFollow my heart, that is what matters.  Always do my best even if my best varies from day to day.  Have the courage to say what I feel.  I am human, I have fault. I openly admit I am not perfect.  I do have the opportunity to change the next outcome if I choose to learn from my mistakes.   I choose to see the silver lining to every cloud that floats over.  I choose to make the best of my faults.  It is okay if I outgrow situations as I go.   I choose to view my losses as gains.  I am so thankful for my daily lessons.  I respect myself enough to know when to say when.  I let go of the fears that hold me back from my true path.

Word of the day~Thankful

I am thankful for the simple things in my life!  Breath, trees, bees, fresh starts to new days....the love of my friends and family.....Freedom to live life the way I CHOOSE!
I am thankful for the daily life learning lessons BIG and small. 
I am thankful for the teachers in my life.
I give thanks for this day and everyday so that I may live and learn then teach forward my lessons. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Word of the day~ Courage

To do what is in my heart and not what others tell me what to do.
To stand up for myself.
To be the change.
To face all my fears head on.
To ask for forgiveness and admit my mistakes.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Word of the Day~ SelfLove

This word of the day is inspired by my hubby:)

Self Love
~Forgiveness is an act of self love
~I have to love myself fully in order to properly love others.
~The Healing= Truth+forgiveness+self love
~Self Love is knowing when to get involved and knowing when to stay silent

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Word of the Day- LIFE

I give life to my deepest hopes, dreams, and desires.
I give life to myself.
Life is love expressed!
All of life is an experiment!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Word of the day~HONOR

I honor the god within me.
I honor the god within others.
I honor the manifestation of this life so that I may learn.
I honor the lessons in everything.
I honor the teachers in my life.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The art of communication

Communication is many things...The definition states that it is the activity of conveying information.  There are many different ways one can communicate such as spoken work, body language, and symbols.  Some say less is more, more is better.... The best way to communicate is impeccably.  How does one communicate impeccably?  I didn't even know what impeccable meant until I took a further look.  Mean what you say and say what you mean, and don't ever hold back.  Don't be swayed by what other MIGHT think about you.  Don't go against yourself by going against what is in your heart.

I evaluated myself and how I well I communicated.  I realized many things.  For one, I was holding information back.  Information that didn't matter in the long run but it hindered my ability to have an adequate conversation.  In further evaluation of myself, I realized that I was holding back because I feared what might happen if I disclosed what i truly thought.  Mind you every fear I had was baseless.  I wasn't allowing myself to be free to say what I wanted and needed to say.  I also was saying too much that didn't matter.  Cut the bull and go for the guts.  Meaning, eliminate the unneeded information and speak exactly what you mean. 

Communication is also listening.  How can you understand what is being said unless you listen to the other person at full attention?  Not only being quiet when others are talking but not thinking about your laundry or shopping list while they are conversing with you.  This one was big for me!
Express what you have to say with love and feeling.  Leave the anger or preconceived notions somewhere else and be kind, patient, and understanding.  Listen to animals communicate with each other, it is almost has a rhythm to it.  Be in the rhythm of your life.

Are you saying something that will hurt someone else?  Many people just blurt out what they are thinking without proper consideration for another.  Would what you say hurt your feelings if the tables were turned?  I often ended up hurting the feelings of the people I love because I wasn't being considerate and thinking about what I was saying. 

Sometimes what needs to be said doesn't need to be said at all.  Wordless conversations are sometimes more powerful and meaningful.